Compuware Announces Load Testing for Distributed LU6.2 Applications

Hiperstation Option Enhances Reliability of LU6.2 Communications Between the Mainframe and Distributed Applications

Farmington Hills, Mich. -- April 24, 1996 -- Compuware Corporation (NASDAQ: CPWR) today announced the worldwide availability of an APPC (Advanced Program to Program Communications) option to its Hiperstation automated testing product. This feature allows load testing of critical business systems when the mainframe is used as an enterprise server. For the first time, organizations can simulate and load test LU6.2 traffic passing through MVS/VTAM, creating high-volume production conditions. The introduction of automated testing for LU6.2 will significantly reduce the time required to identify, diagnose and resolve problems associated with distributed applications and enterprise mainframe servers.

"As our customers deploy client/server applications and use the mainframe as a source of key business information, they rely on communications links to the mainframe to access data," said Gerald Hogan, Hiperstation product manager. "With Hiperstation and the APPC option, Compuware now offers systems programmers a way to easily and cost-effectively deliver fully-tested, quality applications that will endure the strain of the production environment."

"The Hiperstation APPC option enables programmers to easily generate system load, replacing what until now has been a labor- and resource-intensive task," said Greg Strouse, general manager for Compuware's automated testing products. "Hiperstation takes the guesswork out of testing, so enterprise applications can be delivered on schedule and ready for production time after time."

The APPC option is a protocol designed to allow communications between two applications rather than between an application and a dumb terminal (3270/LU2). The applications can reside anywhere in the VTAM network, whether on mainframes or workstations connected to mainframes.

Pricing and availability

Hiperstation Release 5.2 with the APPC option is now generally available. Hiperstation prices begin at $44,500 per CPU. The APPC option starts at $10,375.

Compuware Corporation

Founded in 1973, Compuware develops, markets and supports an integrated set of systems software products designed to improve the productivity of information technology professionals in application development, implementation and maintenance. The Company's products are used by more than 8,800 customers worldwide. Working across a broad spectrum of technologies, including mainframe, mid-range and client/server platforms, more than 2,400 people in Compuware's Professional Services Division offer business systems analysis, design, programming and implementation as well as software conversion and systems planning and consulting.

For more information about Hiperstation, the APPC option, and other Compuware products, call 1-800-521-9353 or visit our Web site at

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